2 Sod Farms =
1 Fertilizer
Great turf quality grass is our life. After years of cutting sod we have seen little change in improvement with turf fertility in this area of the country. Every year Sod Farmers get together from all over the world and talk about the newest innovations in ways to improve how we treat grass from improving: cultural practices, seeding, seed types, fertilization, chemicals, soil additives and a whole host of other items. Simply put there are two Main Reasons we brought around Black Magic Fertilizer
1. We want our grass to look good, especially after it has left the farm.
2. All around the country, we are finding technology that is not making it into your landscapes and we want to share it with you.
If you grow it, you love it! After we have put so many hours and resources into growing the best sod for Utah and Idaho, we often see mistakes happen during the maintenance period. We will often go for site visits and see the same old technology or the same poor practices in the care of the landscape. It happens so much that it becomes the norm and we all get used to seeing it. Not anymore, we are bringing these solutions through Bulldog’s Black Magic Fertilizer.
At Black Magic we aim to make our product custom for your area. We keep track of what is working best for you. We don’t plan to have every product on the market, only the products that are really needed.
If you are needing some help, please feel free to contact us below and we will reach out.
REMEMBER: Black Magic Fertilizer is specially formulated for our sod to keep it looking just as good as the day you got it!